Z for Zig Zag

The Zig Zag path through the A to Z challenge Yes, ladies and gents that is Mt Fuji and the zig zag lines you see is a path that leads up to the summit- it’s visible because of the contrast of the dark ground with the snow. The A to Z challenge this year has…

Y for Yellow

Yellow is more than a colour- it’s a feeling. It isn’t a popular choice for a favourite colour but over the years I have started liking it more and more because it’s so vivid and alive. It’s the difference between a gray day and a bright day!

X for Xing

Yeah, if you went huh? Then you’re like me the first time I saw Xing road signs everywhere in the US. I couldn’t figure out what Xing actually meant until I saw a sign with the stickman and a Xing and I figured that it meant ‘Crossing’. Did you go “D’uh?” Life is full of…

W for Writers & their works

Ideas are the most powerful tools of change and progress in the world and often enough it’s writers who plant the seeds for these ideas. The pen has always been mightier than the sword. What the knife can never achieve through force, the pen can achieve through persuasion and debate. Of course it’s never just…

V for Vegetarian Food- Shojin Ryori in Japan

I’ve always been a vegetarian. People often ask me how I manage to stay vegetarian when I travel. Frankly it helps when you are not fussy- when you are just grateful that there is food you can eat rather than whining about taste or texture. Certain parts of the world are obviously more friendly towards…

U for Up, Up and Away

We’re getting to the end of the A to Z Challenge. How has it been for you? I’ve been sort of diving in and out of the challenge but hopefully will hang on to it till the end. So what do I think of when I think of U- I think of soaring up up…

T for……..

Yes folks you guessed that right! Travel! If you have followed my blog for any duration of time you know that I cannot stop talking about travelling. I live to travel and love to travel. Say travel and a lot of things pop up in my head but I thought I would dedicate this post…

S for Sea Shells on the Sea Shore

Think about it. At some point in our lives we’ve all been obsessed about collecting sea shells. Beaches were treasure troves of shells of myriad shapes and sizes and colours. We collected them and eventually the majority of us forgot about them. They say that you can hear the ocean if you put a shell…

R for Roman Mosaics

The Romans were master mosaicists. Apart from wall painting mosaics were one of the most common decorations in Roman buildings. The most spectacular mosaic ever to have been made was the Alexander mosaic found at the House of the Faun at Pompeii. It is said to contain nearly a million pieces of tesserae (small glass…

Q for Quiet & Peace

I like it when things are quiet- when you can hear the sound of silence. It clears your mind and lets you hear your inner voices. Sometimes it feels good to be like the only person in the universe. Q for Quiet. Quite a journey it has been to get to here. Not very long…