Which is your favourite moon?

Well, it took me 9 days of waking up early in the mornings to get these shots of the moon. Of course three more days in the beginning would have completed the entire sequence from full moon to new moon. However, I didn’t manage to capture the moon on one of those days because I…

Squirrel (very poised)

So, do this for me. When you see this image, type out the first word that comes to your mind in the comments. For me, it was ‘poised’. I’d love to see your comments. Shot with my Olympus OMD EM1 Mkiii on the 100-400 mzuiko lens.

Eastern Bluebird (a bit professorial)

I don’t know about you but to me this bird looks like it’s got its hands behind its back and is going to embark on a long lecture on some obscure topic. It’s got a sharp eye and a strict look so good luck falling asleep, it might come at you and poke you with…


Monday blues? Maybe a photo of a Northern Mockingbird ruffling itself might cheer you up? I think the Olympus Micro Thirds Camera system is simply amazing. I just love how tack sharp the face of the bird looks in the photograph and the details of the feather I shot this photo using the 100-400 mzuiko…

Monday Abstraction- Take a Guess

When I was out photographing the moon day before yesterday I captured this photograph as well. It’s a bit abstract and I will tell you what it is in a future post but do you think you can take a guess at what this actually is? I’m afraid I can’t give out a prize for…

Weekly Photo Challenge: Curve

As the title indicates this week’s photo challenge asks us to find inspiration from curved structures- either natural or man-made. My mind immediately went back to my visit to Ajanta and Ellora Caves (in Maharashtra, India) earlier this year. The photographs below are from Cave 10 at Ellora. What is really special about these caves…

Spare: WPC

This week’s photo challenge theme is Spare. Spare is an interesting word. In the context of a landscape it can be used to refer to something that is minimalistic or bare. But it can mean so many other things- Can you spare some time? Can you spare me the nonsense? Is there a spare part…

D for Dolmens

A dolmen is a structure built by ancient humans which normally consisted two upright stones supporting a flattish capstone. There is a strong belief that Dolmens were used as tombs but we are not completely sure. What is truly striking is that Dolmens are found in Europe, Asia, Middle East and Africa. The dolmens that…