Feather out of place

When you’re a crested serpent eagle looking all nice and mighty, but you have exactly ONE feather out of place. UGH! Call the fashion police!

Lady Cardinal

The Northern Cardinal is a fairly common but very striking bird that you can see in some parts of North America. The male bird is a beautiful shade of red and you can spot it very easily as it darts through trees and flies over houses. The female, though not photographed as much is also…

Another throwback- Murmuration

Murmuration is the phenomenon when hundreds and sometimes thousands of birds (especially starlings) fly in coordinated patterns across the sky.

Peacock Mosaics

On my recent trip to Tunisia I had the chance to see some spectacular mosaics from the ancient Roman North African period. Some of these mosaics were nothing less than coloured stone carpets. The depiction of flora and fauna was a predominant theme in these mosaics and I was drawn to the the intricate detailing…

Madagascan Red Fody

It’s a rainy day here in Dubai. A few days ago on another rainy occasion I managed to snap a photograph of a beautiful little red bird called the Madagascan Red Fody (it is native to Madagascar but has been introduced to other Indian ocean islands like Seychelles and Mauritius). It was drenched in the…

Weekly Photo Challenge: Life Imitates Art

I really had trouble coming up with a photograph for this theme until I remembered this old photograph I had taken in 2011 in Jaipur. View some of the other photographs submitted for this challenge. 

B for Birds, Birds, Birds

I never really noticed birds until I moved to live in the city and then it was the yearning to see the birds I would take for granted in my old house- the bulbuls, the kingfishers, the coucals and others. I relearnt to observe them and enjoy them over the course of the years. I’m…

This weekend- learn to soar to the sky

You might just be an ordinary crow but nothing needs to stop you from aiming high or soaring in the sky. This weekend, do something new or try something old in a different light. Pause, reflect, reconsider- you can still soar to the sky! Have a wonderful weekend break folks!

Fake Tree Real Parrot

Although not quite as impressive as my ‘Life imitates art‘ post from nearly 4 years ago, this scene caught our eye at the Gopuram of the Big Temple at Tanjore, Tamil Nadu, India